Increase your property sales with visual configuration in real time.

Exploration is possible even if the apartment is still in planning or construction stage. Also, if the buyer is located too far away or has difficulty visiting in person due to a disability. All changes are immediately visualized.

Conclusive Benefits

less mistakes

Construction workers and planners have immediate access to up-to-date room books with precise instructions, down to individual rooms. All changes are archived and accessible for reference.

less costs​

Buyers can access the tool anytime from anywhere and choose from a catalog of prepared customizations. This reduces costs and time for processing individual requests

increased sales​

The configurator, with its realistic visualization, is an ideal marketing online tool, available worldwide 24/7. Buyers form an emotional bond with their personalized future dream home

Since 2018

Innovations for the Construction Industry with Actual Value

Home Klick develops digital solutions for the construction industry since 2018. Through close collaboration with industry leaders, we are able to provide solutions that provide a tangible value for our customers. We focus on functionality, integrity, security, usability, and usefulness. We strive to excel, so that you profit.

With more than 70 installations of our flagship project, the Home Klick Konfigurator, we benefit of many years of experience. It enables virtual viewings and facilitates sales, reduces costs and prevents miscommunication.

Our Services

We currently offer money and time saving solutions to buyers and developers, supervisors and contractors, as well as realtors. Soon we will release our new platform, providing an environment and market for an even wider range of participants.

Home Klick Konfigurator

Customized Dream Home

The Home Klick Konfigurator allows buyers to view their future home in 3D.

Precise Calculation

Using various factors and cost tables, we streamline planning, provide immediate quotes, and ensure updated prices throughout the project.

Detailed Documentation

Contractors are provided with detailed room books for the project, building, unit, and room as needed.

Versatile Integration

We enable realtors and buyers to present themselves and shape personal contacts.

Virtual Realtor

Our AI powered virtual real estate consultant is available 24 hours per day to serve your customers.

Artificial Intelligence

We integrate state-of-the-art technologies for time saving and automated support

Strategy to Success

For users to make the most of the services provided, we design intuitive and adaptive interfaces.

Security & Realibility

Multiple security layers and mechanisms help guard your most sensitive data from unauthorized access.

A tool that you can count on​

Our algorithm determines progressive cost development correctly for years, using industry and market databases. Developers have complete insight and control, while buyers can rely on stated prices without any hidden costs

Various factors such as regional differences in salaries, surcharges for planners and subcontractors, and construction phases including deconstruction are transparently included. Work steps are described and priced in detail by means of work values

Let your Buyers do the Magic

interested buyers can preview apartment in 3D from all angles
The tool gives an immersive and vivid experience and has catalog of available customisation choices
The immediate end price with full transparency and without hidden costs.

Sales & Realtor:​

• exciting marketing tool, always available

• ideal during sales pitch, e.g. in a show room

• 3D and VR attracts potential buyers

• less on-site appointments

Planner & Contractor:

• less work by eliminating corrective loops through reduced customer requests

• less mistakes due to up-to-date documentation

• all changes archived and provable, useful in case of legal disputes

Our Team


Our Projects

Amselstraße 4

7 townhouses with configurators

Pestalozzistraße 11

42 condominius with configurators

Sophienstraße 34

18 condominius with configurators

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